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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - outward


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  1. внешний вид; внешность 2. экстерьер 3. внешний, материальный, объективный мир 4. внешний, наружный outward form —- внешность outward sign —- внешний признак outward things —- окружающий мир outward conditions —- внешние условия outward influences —- воздействие среды for outward application —- для наружного применеия (о лекарстве) 5. направленный наружу outward flow of money —- утечка денег за границу an outward motion —- побуждение an outward glance —- взгляд изнутри the outward and the homeward voyages —- поездки за границу и возвращение домой outward half of ticket —- билет (только) в одну сторону 6. видимый, зримый; показной напоказ a feverish outward display of energy —- лихорадочная деятельность напоказ outward behaviour —- показное поведение 7. посторонний, несвойственный 8. диал. рассеянный, беспорядочный (о человеке) Id: the outward men —- тело, бренная плоть (также ам. one's Adam); одежда Id: to outward seeming —- судя по внешности; по виду, по всей видимости 9. наружу; в сторону; за пределы he turned the coat with the lining outward —- он вывернул пальто наизнанку 10. снаружи 11. из порта, от станции the ship is bound outward —- корабль отплывает ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) внешний, наружный; поверхностный; - outward form - outward things - to outward seeming  2) направленный наружу  3) видимый - the outward man  2. noun  1) внешний вид, внешность  2) внешний мир  3. adv.; = outwards OUTWARD things окружающий мир; OUTWARD bound готовый к выходу в море; отправляющийся за границу (о судне) OUTWARD form внешность; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) внешний 2) вытекающий 3) направленный наружу 4) наружный 5) отбортовочный door swings outward — дверь открывается наружу normal drawn outward — внешняя нормаль outward flanging die — отбортовочный штамп outward normal vector — внешне нормальный вектор - outward demidegree - outward diffusion - outward line - outward pressure - outward show ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 situated on or directed towards the outside. 2 going out (on the outward voyage). 3 bodily, external, apparent, superficial (in all outward respects). 4 archaic outer (the outward man). --adv. (also outwards) in an outward direction; towards the outside. --n. the outward appearance of something; the exterior. Phrases and idioms outward bound 1 (of a ship, passenger, etc.) going away from home. 2 (Outward Bound) (in the UK) a movement to provide adventure training, naval training, and other outdoor activities for young people. outward form appearance. outward things the world around us. to outward seeming apparently. Derivatives outwardly adv. Etymology: OE utweard (as OUT, -WARD) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. moving, directed, or turned toward the outside or away from a center an ~ flow  2. situated on the outside ; exterior  3. of or relating to the body or to appearances rather than to the mind or the inner life ~ beauty  4. external  II. adverb  or ~s  Date: before 12th century  1. toward the outside  2. obsolete on the outside ; externally  III. noun  Date: 1606 external form, appearance, or reality ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. An outward journey is a journey that you make away from a place that you are intending to return to later. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified. ? return ADJ: ADJ n 2. The outward feelings, qualities, or attitudes of someone or something are the ones they appear to have rather than the ones that they actually have. In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken... What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order. ADJ: ADJ n 3. The outward features of something are the ones that you can see from the outside. Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury. ADJ: ADJ n 4. see also outwards ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 only before noun concerning how someone seems to other people, rather than what they are actually like  (She managed to maintain her outward composure. | His house shows few outward signs of worldly success. | to all outward appearances (=as much as you can judge by the way things seem))  (To all outward appearances, Jayne seems to be dealing with the tragedy well.) 2 outward journey/voyage etc a journey in which you are travelling away from home 3 only before noun directed towards the outside or away from something  (an outward movement of the arm) 4 outward bound a train, ship, etc that is outward bound is leaving a place that it will return to later ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. utweard, earlier utanweard, from ute, utan "outside" + -weard "-ward." Outward-bound is first recorded 1602. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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